Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Stuff... Like bad logins

Minecraft wont let people login....
Keeps saying "Took to long to log in" thats not the server  its your comp or minecraft.net (Sorry!)

Ip are still locked

NEW MAP (HUGE) = Minerepub.dyndns.org:25555

Old map PCG (lonely) = Minerepub.dyndns.org

Keeping it live!

Brand new map!


  1. Red, it's banda. Having a log in error, unsure why, but my thing updated right when i got on about an hour ago, so maybe the update is the problem?

  2. ... i see you getting on, i cant get on either, its minecraft.net
    there migrating servers so multiplayer and logins are wonky, try a diff comp, works for me

  3. Red, not all of us have multiple computers laying around.

  4. say well.... restart your computer, might help

  5. I cannot get in either

    More info at

    and notch may say when on his twitter account twitter.com/notch - there is a bit more info there, bandying about all sorts of things

    want to finish my windmill tonight ...

  6. Red, are there borders to the map? It was me that got lost and found the desert top right, but there was some weird jumping around before I got there ... may just have been lag

  7. Elliz..... that jumping around was the secondary map generateor taking over from the first, the first generator made the middle, and all the area around it, before the jumping we were using the Minecraft Quickgenerate but not were using the classic generate and its jumpyer, either way theres no borders, what you see in the map is what is currently generated

  8. You could actually walk for days in game and not reach the end. The maps are insanely huge.

    Red, I have restarted and retried. Unsure what that problem is :( Hopefully it will be resolved tonight when i get home.

  9. The problem is notch, he is moving minecraft to a new server, so logins are messed up heres a quote

    "the problem isn't cpu, it's constantly at about 5% or less. I think the problem is the sheer number of connections."

    When you try to get on, your connect dies at "http://www.minecraft.net"

  10. hey red, was JUST on , logged to change my skin and show off the AWESOME new map.

    "skin change currently unavailable" from minecraft.net, and now i cannot log back in. says "taking too long, disconnected from server" , couldn't log on at all yesterday.

    looking forward....

  11. btw red, which program do you use to generate the map renders?

  12. I use Cartograph and MCMAP.. the ones you see are MCMAP, also, logging in is fixed, i have the only working MC server currently, had to do alot of editing, skins are broke for the moment

  13. Saw that as just logged in as "player"

    note, the spawn and home on that login were somewhere different ... unless you moved them

  14. Spawn had to move itself, its been moved back, players home is set by the last person to log into it and set it

  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qG9SPywEGm4

    we need to do this on our server.

  16. Bring my library from the spawntown of old map to the new spawntown plzkthanks! =P Preferably, without the claptrap...

    Also, colosseum, make sure it's not some random floating island... as grieferproof as that can be, I'd much prefer it if people could walk there. I'm all about the dramatic approach of huge structures and statues, seeing them from afar and getting closer..

  17. I am again unable to login, unsure is the server is just down or what?

  18. i dunnno were having major issues from something and i cant do anything to fix it, im away from base atm, you should be able to get in, but the lag isnt addressable

  19. I haven't been able to get on all day, just stops at timed out: connect

  20. Confirm server is down. Possibly your ip address changed.

    You should install teamviewer or VNC+some form of security to allow remote access. If you need any help just ask.

  21. I haven't been able to get on either. having the same trouble the dieffenbach is.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. We are live, it seems (in the records) i had someone log in and hack into the server (happens a ton) then when they quit, they didnt do it correctly, thus the server "slipped" into a comatose, but running state, the IP is allways the same, i have a program addressing that, and i allways am using teamviwer, its my main remote application, Also i said i was quitting working on the server for a few days
